Thyroid Gland Diseases, Symptoms and Treatment
What is Thyroid? The thyroid is a small organ situated low in the front neck. You can see the butterfly shape of it. The thyroid lies between Adam’s apple and…
What is Thyroid? The thyroid is a small organ situated low in the front neck. You can see the butterfly shape of it. The thyroid lies between Adam’s apple and…
Human Body Weight and management of body weight is the most crucial matter nowadays. It is because of our super-fast lifestyle. Less body movement and we use to choose vehicles…
Migraine Headache: is a sturdy headache that comes after sickness, vomiting, and sensitivity to noise and light. What causes a migraine headache? Previously scientists thought that blood flow in the…
‘Bio-hacking’, when the name pops in front of the eye or is listened to, it gives a thought of something unknown. Or some of you may think of sci-fi movies.…
Food is the key to living for every living being. We need food for every physiological movement. Therefore, to live a healthy life, our food should be healthy and nutritious.…
The sugar present in the blood is known as blood sugar. For a human body, the quantity of blood sugar should be 70-130 mg/dL or less than 140 mg/dL. And…
Heart Care June 10, 2021, A heart attack (myocardial infarction) is usually caused by a blood clot, which stops the blood flowing to a part of your heart muscle. Symptoms:•…
COVID-19 Vaccination COVID-19 vaccination update in India As of 16 May2021, India has administered 182,926,460 doses overall, including first andsecond doses of the currently-approved vaccines. Why Vaccine is important to…