Common cold, flu, coughs are in one hand. And on the other hand, one of the scarier health risks than the other is heart health risks in winter. Cold weather brings risks for heart patients. There are several reasons behind it. Here you get to know what kind of heart health risks you or your near one may face in winter and the possible remedies.

The average body temperature of a human being is 37˚C (Celsius scale) or 98.6˚F (Fahrenheit scale). When the temperature goes down outside, our body does some inner physiological work to balance the temperature. And that body function increases the heart health risk.
Causes and risk factors:
- Increased Load on Heart: For maintaining warmth in the cold, our body goes through some physiological changes. The body continuously flows warm blood to balance temperature. Therefore, our heart works more blood for the flow. And it leads to high blood pressure in winter. Excessive load and high blood pressure increase the risk of a heart attack.
- Rise in Blood Volume: In the summer season body loses 200-250ml of body fluid through sweat. But in the winter season, our blood volume increases due to no loss of body fluid. So the rise of blood volume causes an increase in blood pressure and heart health risk. In addition, sweating also reduces salt levels in the blood. However, the salt level up in the wintertime.

- Respiratory illness: Respiratory illnesses such as common cold, flu, pneumonia, stress breathing, or respiration. And the lower level of oxygen causes an increase in heart rate. Older people get this problem often.
- Artery constriction: Constriction in arteries during winter obstacle blood flow. So this is one of the causes of heart attack or cardiac overload in winter.
- Lifestyle Changes: Cold foggy morning and chilling wind stop our minds and tell us not to go outside because it is cold. And this thought makes us inactive. Also, we more often eat food in winter. Therefore, lifestyle changes due to winter increase heart health risks.
Prevention in winter:
Our problems are solutions themselves. When we get to know problems closely, we find solutions. So is the prevention of heart health risks in colds.
- Stress Management: Stress in any season is risky for heart health. To manage stress, listen to music, involve in hobbies, or do what feels good, like painting, singing, gardening, etc. Also, stick to a regular bedtime and focus on sleep health.
- Reduce Cold exposure: As you know, cold exposure increases blood pressure and health risk. Thus must cover you with proper warm clothes before going outside. And heart patients can avoid going outside often if it is not very necessary.
- Do not get overheated: Good for your heart health if you avoid overheating. It may result in risk.

- Avoid Alcohol & Smoking: Excessive alcohol is causing body heating. And smoking depresses your lungs and heart health. It will be the step of intelligence if you avoid alcohol and smoking to keep your heart healthy.
- Exercise and balanced diet: Moderate stretching, exercise, and a balanced diet have no other substitute. The season may change and affect your health, but exercising and a balanced diet are essential to living a happy life.
- Regular Health Check-up: Regular and routine wise health check-up is crucial to avoid risk.

The winter season brings risks of heart-related health issues. Especially older people are at more risk. However, a maintained, balanced lifestyle is the key to a happy and risk-free life.