Sitting on a chair for 7-8 hours at workplace is the key reason for the back pain. It is lower back pain that we feel at the workplace. And we feel pain in the spine too. Back pain can affect your work, movement, and capabilities. Important to mention the lower back pain can be the reason for workplace conflict. Overtime work after mandatory working hours makes lower back pain worst. But workers or employees feel no way out of this pain. It becomes a psychological risk factor too.
Causes of Lower Back Pain at Workplace:
- Improper Sitting Posture: If you are sitting all day long in the wrong posture you have to pay for this. If your chair has no good back support, you seem to feel lower back pain at the end of the day.
- Lifting Heavy Object: Lifting or moving heavy objects can be the reason for injury and lower back pain.
- Previous Injury: If you have a history of back injury, you will face lower back pain more often.
- Sitting on one posture for long: If you are sitting in one position without changing position and posture ends up a pain.
- Aging: Aging causes lower bone density, and that may cause lower back ache.
- Arthritis and Osteoporosis: People having arthritis or osteoporosis feel the pain frequently.
- Being overweight or obese can put stress on the back. So it is also a reason for back pain.
Risk Factors:
- Low Capability: Continuous lower back acne can decrease working capability. You are not able to work at the same speed with this pain.
- Chronic pain: Pain that stays for long is complicated. It is disturbing and also affects psychologically.
- Psychological Factors: With low working ability, people will feel low self-esteem. Pain can cause less control and management. So it leads to poor performance.
Five Simple Exercises you can practice at home and workplace:
For a permanent cure of back pain, one can take a guide from an expert. Medical treatment may also help. Physical therapy and exercises for early treatment is recommended. Here are five simple exercises you can practice at the workplace to feel relief within working hours:
1. Wall Sits: At first, stand 10-12 inches from the wall. Then, lean your back until it touches the wall. After that slide down slowly so that your knees bent. Next, press your lower back into the wall. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat it 10-12 times. You can practice it at your workplace as well.

2. Cat-Cow: Take a tabletop position, i.e. hands and knees on the ground. Then press your palm and feet while you inhale and lookup. Next, tuck your chin to the chest while arching your spine toward the ceiling. Perform it daily for 1-2 minutes.

3. Pelvic Tilts: To practice at first lie on back. Now, knees bent and feet flat. Next arch the lower back gently and push your stomach out. Hold it for five seconds, then flatten the back and pull the belly button for five seconds. Try doing this exercise for up to 30 repetitions. Increase the number day by day

4. Seated Lower Back Rotational Stretches: Another exercise that can be performed in the workplace is rotational stretches. At first seat on the chair without supporting your arms, flatten your feet on the floor. Keep the spine tall while doing the stretch. Then, keep your arms behind your head and twist your core. First, twist it on the right side, hold for 10 seconds. And twist it on the left. Repeat 3-5 times every day.

5. Seated Hamstring Stretch: To perform the seated hamstring stretch, first sit on the edge of a chair. Now one leg will be straight in front, while the buttock is in the same position. And one leg should be on the floor. Sit straight while doing exercise and repeat it reversely. Hold the position for 30 seconds each time. You can try the stretch at the workplace.

It is always good for you if you change your sitting position every hour. Do some stretches and walk for 5 minutes. Do not carry heavy bags. It will be better to know your sitting postures and choose correctly if it is not. And if you will sit for long working hours, choose the right chair. Expert advice is recommended for old back pain.