Privacy Policy


We, at Med Express to ensure and maintain the privacy and security of all personal information collected or retrieved by your use, as a visitor of our website. The term “personal data” as used in this Policy refers to information such as your name, birth date, e-mail address or mailing address, etc. Med Express pledges to comply with internationally recognized standards of privacy protection.


Most of the sections of our website do not require any form of registration and/or creation of account. However, if some sections of our website require registration, such registration shall beat your discretion and you may choose to not to register with us, however in such event you will not be able to access such section. In the event you choose to register, you may need to fill in certain fields to gain full access to such section of the site by choosing a user name and password and/or for us to respond to your query.

Med Express may collect and use personal data to provide information to you about us, to market products and services, to process orders or applications submitted by you, to create products or services to meet your needs, to seek your feedback or to contact you in relation to those services offered on our websites, to provide you educative Information to help resolve your problem and/or to help build your knowledge as also to allow you to subscribe to our newsletters.

Med Express keeps your data and all information received only for as long as is reasonably necessary for such above mentioned purposes and in compliance with applicable laws in India, in relation to legal or ethical reporting or documentation retention requirements.

This website is not intended nor aimed for the use or access by children below 18 years of age.


Med Express will not sell, share, or otherwise distribute your personal data to third parties without your prior consent, and if required to provide the same to a third party, for further processing or connection to its business, it will in accordance with applicable law for the purpose for which the data were originally collected. Med Express will, wherever possible, endeavor to ensure that the disclosure and intended use of the data are clearly indicated and that such third parties provide the same level of protection as Med Express.


If we have collected your personal data, you have the right to update your personal data. If you wish to review or change the details you have supplied to us, please contact the Webmaster, however such review will be available only in accordance with our data retention policy. We are not obliged to store your data for a period which is beyond the intended purpose for which such data was collected or submitted.


To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data that Med Express collects on-line, Med Express uses data networks protected, inter alia, by industry standard firewall and password protection. Access to personal data is restricted to only those employees on a need to know basis for the sole purpose of preserving the data and who are otherwise authorized and trained to handle such data properly. Staff compliance with our policies and procedures is regularly reviewed. While we cannot guarantee against any loss, misuse or alteration to data, we strive to prevent any such unfortunate occurrences.


Med Express is a global enterprise and may have databases in different jurisdictions. Med Express, if required, may transfer your data to one of its databases outside your country of domicile. In such event if the level of privacy protection in such country of database does not comply with recognized international standards, we will ensure that data transfers to such databases in that country are adequately protected and that the transfer of data to third parties in such countries will not occur unless Med Express implements the standards it generally follows to maintain the personal data.


Most of the information that Med Express collects from its website(s) is anonymous information, such as the pages you visit and the searches you perform. Anonymous information is processed by Med Express to help improve the contents of the site and to compile aggregate statistics about individuals using our site for internal, market research purposes. In so doing, Med Express may install “cookies” that collect the first level domain name of the user (e.g., “” from an e-mail address of “”) and the date and time of access. “Cookies” by themselves cannot be used to discover the identity of the user. A “cookie” is a small piece of information, which is sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies do not damage your computer. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a “cookie”, this will enable you to decide if you want to accept it or not.


Med Express does not condone “spamming”. Spamming is defined as sending unsolicited e-mails, usually of a commercial nature, in large numbers and repeatedly to individuals with whom the sender has had no previous contact or who have declined to receive such communications. In contrast, Med Express may inform all its visitors of its products, health, or other related information by e-mail, whilst giving you the choice of opting out of such service.


This Privacy Policy applies only to Med Express websites. Med Express may provide links to other websites, which we believe, may be of interest to our visitors. We try to ensure that such websites are of the highest standard. However, Med Express does not guarantee the standards of every website link it provides or be responsible for the contents of non- Med Express sites. The risk of accessing such websites is solely yours.


Unless otherwise stated, this website does not offer you to access any content on payment basis. The access to the content of the website is only on “read-only” basis.